Java Corner

This corner is all about learning Java/J2EE Technologies.

Astronomy Corner

My Love for Astronomy has made me have this corner. It always fascinates me to know more about Space and its hidden secrets. We discuss everything about the latest trend in Space Technology to NASA Space missions.

Software Corner

Everything about the Software, from Open Source to general ones....we check them out all here,

Technology Corner

Everything about the Technology, from Cloud Computing to Nano Technology....We try to learn abut them here.

Gadget Corner

Here, we check out all the new gadgets making waves in the market . Being a Gadget Geek, we love to hang around in this corner.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

JavaScript: Access session variables in Javascript

The other day, I was working on JSP & an Action file on my project in office, and suddenly I got stuck when I wanted to initialize a variable I was using in JQuery code with the value of session variable. I had used it earlier in some other JSP, but then some how it skipped my mind. 

So I thought of sharing the same here, if it might be of any help.

<%= session.getAttribute("variableName")%>

hope it helps...